
In the competitive fields of human capital and education, few individuals have distinguished themselves as remarkably as Tshiamo Mothoa. With a blend of sophistication, intelligence, and unwavering ambition, Tshiamo has consistently surpassed expectations and carved out a notable career in human resources, particularly in recruitment. By day, she dedicates herself to shaping the minds of future leaders as an educator. Beyond the classroom, Tshiamo runs her entrepreneurial venture, Bustani Bahati, a human capital business she manages after hours, on weekends, and during school holidays. She embodies the essence of exceptionalism, seamlessly integrating her passion for education with her entrepreneurial spirit.

Qualifications and Career Path

Education Background

Tshiamo Mothoa’s academic credentials are a testament to her dedication and passion for continuous learning. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Labour Relations from the University of Potchefstroom (NWU Puk). Recognizing the pivotal role of education in human capital development, she furthered her studies with a Post Graduate Degree in Education from the University of South Africa (Unisa).

Choosing the Career Path

Tshiamo’s choice of career was driven by a profound passion for both education and human capital development. “From a young age, I was motivated by the potential to make a significant difference in people’s lives through knowledge and empowerment,” she explains. Her commitment to these fields is reflected in her relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation.

Reflecting on the Career Choice

When reflecting on her career journey, Tshiamo affirms that she would make the same choices again. “My career aligns perfectly with my passions and strengths. The ability to impact lives through education and human capital development is deeply fulfilling,” she shares. This alignment has not only brought personal satisfaction but also professional success.

Career Advice to the Younger Self

To her younger self, Tshiamo offers sage advice: “Remain steadfast in pursuing your passions and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. Stay curious, keep learning, and never be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.” She emphasizes that every experience, whether positive or negative, contributes to one’s personal and professional development.

Essential Skills for the Field

In the realms of human capital and education, both hard and soft skills are crucial. Tshiamo highlights the importance of:
Hard Skills: Proficiency in technology and digital tools, strong analytical and problem-solving abilities, and a comprehensive understanding of human capital management principles.
Soft Skills: Excellent communication and interpersonal skills, leadership and team-building capabilities, and an adaptability and continuous learning mindset.

Essential Skills for the Field

Advice for Graduates

For those aspiring to enter her field, Tshiamo offers a detailed roadmap:
1. Educational Foundation: Pursue relevant degrees and certifications in human capital management, psychology, or education.
2. Practical Experience: Gain hands-on experience through internships, volunteer work, or entry-level positions to build practical skills.
3. Continuous Learning: Stay updated with industry trends, technological advancements, and best practices through ongoing professional development.
4. Networking: Build a professional network by attending industry events, joining professional associations, and connecting with mentors.
5. Innovation and Adaptability: Embrace new technologies and methodologies to stay competitive and effective in your role.

Career road map for aspiring graduates

Job Responsibilities and Industry Insights

Day-to-Day Activities

Tshiamo’s responsibilities at BUSTANI BAHATI are multifaceted. She balances the diverse needs of the workforce, ensures performance and productivity standards, manages resources efficiently, and maintains a motivated and harmonious team. “My day-to-day activities involve strategic planning, problem-solving, and fostering a positive work environment,” Tshiamo explains. “It’s a dynamic role that requires constant adaptation and a proactive approach to managing human capital.”

Industry Insights

Tshiamo sheds light on the often-overlooked aspects of the human capital and education sectors. “Outsiders might not realize the depth of commitment required. It involves continuous learning, adaptation to new technologies, and a relentless pursuit of excellence,” she explains. The integration of technology into education and human resources is a complex process that necessitates a nuanced understanding of both fields.

Initial Surprises

When Tshiamo started her current job, she was most surprised by the profound impact of innovative agricultural practices on community growth and sustainability. “The ability to transform lives through sustainable farming and create lasting positive change was both inspiring and motivating,” she recalls.

Future of the Job with AI

Regarding the impact of artificial intelligence on her field, Tshiamo remains optimistic. She believes that while AI will undoubtedly change many aspects of work, the human element in education and human capital development will always be crucial. “AI can enhance our capabilities, but it can not replace the human touch that is essential in these fields,” she asserts.

Challenges and Rewards

Most Challenging Aspect

The most challenging aspect of Tshiamo’s job is balancing the diverse needs of the workforce while ensuring the highest standards of performance and productivity. “This involves constantly adapting to new challenges, managing resources efficiently, and maintaining a harmonious and motivated team,” she explains.

Most Rewarding Aspect

Conversely, the most rewarding part of her job is witnessing the tangible difference her efforts make in the lives of employees and the community. “Creating meaningful employment opportunities and enhancing the capabilities of our workforce gives me immense satisfaction. It is fulfilling to see our projects positively impact the community and contribute to sustainable growth,” Tshiamo shares.

Career Setbacks as Advantages

Navigating the complexities of integrating from the corporate world into education was initially a setback for Tshiamo. However, it ultimately proved to be advantageous. “This challenge enhanced my skill set and opened new avenues for innovation. It taught me resilience and the importance of embracing change,” she reflects.

Work-Related Goal for the Year

This year, Tshiamo aims to expand BUSTANI BAHATI’s agricultural endeavors, enhancing productivity and ensuring food security through sustainable farming practices. “By investing in advanced techniques and innovative solutions, I hope to make a significant impact on our community and set a precedent for sustainable growth,” she states.

Personal and Financial Reflections

Reaction of 10-Year-Old Self

Tshiamo believes her 10-year-old self would be immensely proud of her accomplishments today. “As a child, I was always curious and eager to learn. Seeing how far I’ve come in pursuing my passions would be incredibly fulfilling,” she muses.

Life Without Financial Constraints

If money were no object, Tshiamo would dedicate her life to expanding educational opportunities and sustainable farming initiatives globally. “I believe that education and sustainable agriculture are key to addressing many of the world’s challenges. I would work tirelessly to create a positive and lasting impact in these areas,” she envisions.

Financial Lessons for Kids

Tshiamo emphasizes the importance of financial literacy from a young age. She advocates teaching kids the following lessons:
1. The Importance of Saving: Understanding the value of saving money and setting aside a portion of earnings for future needs.
2. Budgeting Wisely: Learning how to create and stick to a budget to manage expenses and avoid debt.
3. Understanding the Value of Money: Recognizing the effort required to earn money and making informed decisions about spending.
4. Investing for the Future: Knowing the basics of investing and the benefits of compound interest for long-term financial growth. “Although this might be an overreach for a kid, it is important to know.”

Four financial lessons every kid should know


Tshiamo Mothoa’s journey in the fields of human capital and education is a beacon of excellence. Her dedication, unwavering work ethic, and exemplary leadership skills have set her apart as a truly exceptional individual. It is an honor to share her story, confident in her ability to excel in any endeavor she chooses to pursue. Through her work, Tshiamo continues to inspire and make a lasting impact on the lives she touches, embodying the true essence of dedication and passion in her professional journey.

In the realm of corporate communications, Atim Wokorach has established herself as a dynamic and insightful professional. With a rich educational background and a diverse skill set, she brings a unique perspective to her role. In this detailed interview, Atim shares her journey, the intricacies of her job, industry insights, challenges, rewards, and the significant impact of the McKinsey Forward Program on her career. Her story is not only inspiring but also offers valuable guidance for those aspiring to enter the field of corporate communications.

Qualifications and Career Path

Educational Background

Atim Wokorach’s academic journey is as diverse as it is impressive. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences from the University of Botswana, majoring in Political Science and Sociology. Her thirst for knowledge didn’t stop there; she has also earned various certificates in Digital Marketing, Ethical Storytelling, Sustainable Development, and Human Rights. This blend of qualifications equips her with a broad understanding of societal dynamics, ethical considerations, and the digital landscape—an essential toolkit for a communications professional.

Choosing a Career Path

Reflecting on her career choice, Atim reveals an interesting twist of fate. “I’d like to believe this career path chose me. I’ve always loved storytelling, journalism, and content creation,” she shares. Despite initially considering a degree in journalism, she ultimately found herself in corporate communications through a serendipitous opportunity post-graduation. This role resonated deeply with her, combining elements of writing, international relations, and event management, which aligned perfectly with her childhood aspirations.

Career Advice to Younger Self

When asked what advice she would give to her younger self, Atim emphasizes the importance of exploring various interests and not being too rigid about career paths. “Stop beating yourself up about your many opposing career interests,” she advises. “Volunteer in different spaces because who knows, you may find out there are careers out there that are what you’re looking for but can’t articulate because you haven’t been exposed to them yet.” This approach encourages a broader perspective and the exploration of diverse opportunities.

Essential Skills

Atim underscores the importance of both hard and soft skills in her field. On the hard skills front, understanding principles of strategic communications, risk management, time management, and being highly organized are crucial. “For hard skills, I’d say it helps to understand principles of strategic communications, risk and time management, be very organized and an efficient planner,” she explains.

However, she also highlights the necessity of soft skills, which are equally important. “This career requires a lot of soft skills, especially an ability to engage with people and an ability to be constantly interacting with all kinds of personalities,” she notes. Effective communication, agility, resilience, and the ability to handle feedback and approvals from various stakeholders are essential. “Never get attached to your work because things get trashed in the final stage very often,” she advises, emphasizing the need for adaptability and emotional resilience.

Advice for Aspiring Professionals

For those looking to enter the field, Atim recommends a multi-faceted approach: building a robust portfolio, gaining diverse experiences, and networking extensively. “Try as much as possible to be proficient in as many areas as you can,” she advises, emphasizing the importance of a well-rounded skill set. She also stresses the significance of genuine interest and passion in one’s work. “Hiring managers now have a focus on personality,” she notes, suggesting that candidates should seek roles that align with their passions to avoid burnout and ensure job satisfaction.

Job Responsibilities and Industry Insights

Day-to-Day Activities

Currently settling into a new role at a firm she has long admired, Atim’s day-to-day activities are diverse and dynamic. “My day-to-day isn’t established yet, but it definitely entails media monitoring, drafting various forms of communications, and attending numerous meetings,” she shares. This involves sweeping the internet for mentions of her firm and stakeholders, keeping track of key developments, and drafting communications such as briefs to designers, social media copy, website content, internal communications, and event programs. Her role requires constant vigilance and adaptability, as well as extensive reading and participation in both internal and external meetings.

Industry Insights

Atim points out that the complexities of communications are often underestimated. “People tend to look down on it, thinking marketing is easy,” she says. She explains that the field of communications is highly intricate, involving strategic thinking, creative execution, and an understanding of various protocols and subject matter considerations, especially in technical fields. “The separate but interrelated fields aren’t respected, which can be frustrating, especially when looking for new roles,” she notes, highlighting the challenges of working in an undervalued profession.

Surprises in the Job

One of the biggest surprises for Atim in her current role has been the sheer volume of work her team manages. “I’m constantly in awe of how they manage,” she remarks. Despite being a new addition to the team, she is amazed at how her colleagues have stayed afloat with their demanding workloads. This revelation underscores the high-pressure environment of corporate communications and the importance of teamwork and resilience.

Future of the Industry

Despite the rise of AI, Atim believes that many aspects of her job will continue to require a human touch. “AI can draft copy and assist in strategy, but it cannot handle public relations with the delicacy that a human can,” she asserts. She views AI as a tool that can enhance her work but not replace the nuanced and subjective elements of communications. “I’m not sure AI can handle crisis communications with the same sensitivity as a human,” she adds, reinforcing the enduring value of human insight and empathy in her field.

Challenges and Rewards


As a newcomer to a fast-paced environment, Atim finds the biggest challenge to be finding her footing quickly. “There’s really no time to have a soft landing,” she says. The need to adapt swiftly and manage high-stakes responsibilities has been a steep learning curve. “You have to be aware of so many things all the time, with every decision you make, otherwise the consequences will be dire,” she explains, highlighting the pressure and complexity of her role.


The most rewarding aspect of her job is contributing to impactful work and aligning with her firm’s values. “I am passionate about the work being done,” she states. Despite not being directly involved in projects, she takes pride in showcasing her colleagues’ achievements and the overall impact of the firm’s work. “It’s also a job that exposes me to more than I ever could’ve imagined a career in Communications exposing me to,” she adds, emphasizing the continuous learning and growth opportunities in her role.

Career Setbacks and Advantages

Atim’s non-linear career journey, including a gap year and various personal challenges, has ultimately been advantageous. “I’m able to say, I’m exactly where I desire to be career-wise,” she reflects. Her experiences have provided her with valuable insights and resilience, enabling her to navigate her career with intentionality and confidence. “During my degree, I took a gap year, during which I worked for a firm, there I grew interests in Trade, and Marketing, got my first exposure to Comms there,” she shares, illustrating how unexpected turns can lead to new opportunities and growth.

Goals for the Year

One of Atim’s goals for the year is to successfully carry out a project that excites her and enhances her portfolio. “I have a couple of projects I’m assisting on at work, but there’s one that has been put in my hands and I’m really excited for it,” she shares. As a junior and new team member, she aims to make a significant contribution and have her name associated with a successful project, which would be a notable achievement in her career.

Personal and Financial Reflections

Childhood Dreams

Atim believes her 10-year-old self would be proud of her current achievements. “I think 10-year-old Atim is very proud of the career I’m building,” she says, appreciating how true-to-self her journey has been. Her career aligns with her childhood dreams of storytelling and making an impact, reflecting her authenticity and passion.

Life Without Financial Constraints

If money were no object, Atim envisions a serene life on a farm, engaging in charitable work and consulting part-time. “I really enjoy having control over my time,” she shares, highlighting her desire for a balanced lifestyle. She imagines a slow-paced life, living on the outskirts of a town, close enough to enjoy the city’s conveniences but far enough to relish tranquility. “I have a big desire to do charitable work in line with children’s rights,” she adds, indicating her passion for making a difference in the lives of others.

Financial Lessons for Kids

Atim emphasizes the importance of saving early, mastering delayed gratification, balancing self-reward with financial responsibilities, and maintaining honesty and discipline in financial matters. “Save, and it’s never too early, neither is any amount too small,” she advises. She believes that mastering delayed gratification with money can lead to prosperity in other areas of life. “Be honest with yourself and be disciplined,” she adds, stressing the importance of financial integrity and planning.

McKinsey Forward Program

Impact on Career

Participating in the McKinsey Forward Program has significantly impacted Atim’s career trajectory. “It was an enriching but also very affirming experience,” she notes. The program provided her with the confidence and skills needed to pursue her dreams and structure the career she desires. Despite being in a career slump at the time, the experience boosted her self-confidence and reinforced her professional goals.

Key Learnings

Atim highlights the importance of structured problem-solving, agility, and seeking feedback as key learnings from the program. “I learnt that doing things based on assumptions and in unsystematic ways may seem like it works, but can waste a lot of time, energy, and not even yield  the best results,” she explains. The program taught her the value of structure and systematic approaches in her work. Additionally, she has become more intentional about seeking feedback, which has been transformative for her professional development. “Receiving and discussing feedback has been life-changing,” she says, emphasizing how it has helped her improve and grow.

Advice for Prospective Participants

For those considering the McKinsey Forward Program, Atim has strong recommendations. “I can’t recommend it enough!” she exclaims. She advises prospective participants to fully commit to the program and engage in all aspects, especially the group projects. “You may even build a network that will be instrumental to your career growth,” she adds. Atim stresses the importance of discipline and determination to not just complete the program but also to learn and apply its content meaningfully.


In speaking with Atim Wokorach, it’s clear that a successful career in corporate communications is built on a foundation of adaptability, passion, and continuous learning. Atim’s journey demonstrates the importance of embracing unexpected opportunities and leveraging both hard and soft skills to navigate a complex and ever-evolving field. Her advice to young professionals emphasizes the value of exploring diverse experiences, building a solid network, and maintaining a genuine interest in the work.

Key takeaways from Atim’s insights include the necessity of being prepared for the fast-paced nature of communications, the importance of financial discipline, and the significant impact of structured problem-solving and feedback. Her story serves as an inspiration for those considering a career in communications, showcasing the rewards of aligning one’s work with personal values and the importance of lifelong learning.

The South African tax season is upon us, and the South African Revenue Service (SARS) is gearing up to receive tax returns from individuals and businesses. This year, SARS is introducing auto-assessments, a new feature aimed at making tax compliance easier and more efficient. In this article, we will guide you through what you need to know to be ready for tax season and auto-assessments.

What is Tax Season?

Tax season is the period during which taxpayers are required to submit their tax returns to SARS. In South Africa, tax season typically runs from July to November, with the deadline for submissions usually around the end of October.

What are Auto-Assessments?

Auto-assessments are a new feature introduced by SARS to simplify the tax return process. Essentially, SARS will automatically assess taxpayers based on information received from employers, banks, and other third-party sources. This means that taxpayers who have not made any changes to their personal information or have not received any additional income may not need to submit a tax return.

Who Qualifies for Auto-Assessments?

Not everyone will qualify for auto-assessments. The following individuals will be eligible:

1. Those who earn a single source of income from one employer
2. Those whose employer is registered for the Employees’ Tax Deduction
3. Those who do not have any other income, such as rental income or investment income 4. Those who do not have any deductions, such as medical expenses or retirement annuities

How to Check if You Qualify for Auto-Assessment

To check if you qualify for auto-assessment, follow these steps:

1. Visit the SARS website ((link unavailable))
2. Click on the “My Tax” tab
3. Login to your profile using your username and password
4. Click on the “Auto-Assessment” tab

What to Do if You Receive an Auto-Assessment

If you receive an auto-assessment, review it carefully to ensure accuracy. If everything is correct, you do not need to take any further action. However, if there are errors or omissions, you will need to edit and submit a tax return.

Tips for Tax Season

1. Make sure your personal information is up to date
2. Ensure your employer is registered for the Employees’ Tax Deduction
3. Keep accurate records of your income and expenses
4. File your tax return on time to avoid penalties

Bottom Line

Tax season can be daunting, but with auto-assessments, SARS aims to make the process more efficient. By understanding what auto-assessments entail and following the tips outlined above, you can ensure a smooth tax season. Remember to stay informed and seek assistance if needed. Happy tax season!

Your credit score is a crucial aspect of your financial health, influencing everything from loan approvals to interest rates. For middle-class South Africans, understanding and managing your credit score can pave the way for better financial opportunities. This guide breaks down what a credit score is, how it’s calculated, and how you can improve it.

What is a Credit Score?

A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. In South Africa, credit scores range from 300 to 850. Lenders use this score to assess the risk of lending you money. A higher score indicates that you are a lower risk, which can lead to better loan terms and interest rates.

How is Your Credit Score Calculated?

Several factors contribute to your credit score, each carrying a different weight:

1. Payment History (35%): This is the most significant factor. It tracks whether you’ve paid past credit accounts on time.
2. Amounts Owed (30%): This factor looks at how much debt you have compared to your credit limits. High balances can negatively impact your score.
3. Length of Credit History (15%): A longer credit history can improve your score, showing a track record of responsible credit use.
4. Credit Mix (10%): Having a variety of credit types (credit cards, installment loans, mortgages) can positively impact your score.
5. New Credit (10%): Opening several new credit accounts in a short period can be seen as risky, potentially lowering your score.

Checking Your Credit Score

In South Africa, you are entitled to one free credit report per year from each of the major credit bureaus: Experian, TransUnion, and Compuscan. It’s advisable to check your credit report regularly to ensure all information is accurate and to catch any signs of fraud early.

How to Improve Your Credit Score

1. Pay Bills on Time: Consistently making payments on time is one of the most effective ways to improve your score.
2. Reduce Debt: Lowering the amount of debt you owe can positively affect your score. Aim to keep your credit card balances low relative to your credit limits.
3. Maintain Old Accounts: The length of your credit history matters. Keeping older accounts open can benefit your score.
4. Limit New Credit Applications: Each time you apply for credit, a hard inquiry is made, which can temporarily lower your score. Apply for new credit sparingly.
5. Dispute Inaccuracies: Regularly review your credit report for any errors or fraudulent activities and dispute them with the credit bureau if necessary.

The Benefits of a Good Credit Score

A good credit score can open doors to numerous financial benefits, including:

Lower Interest Rates: Lenders offer better interest rates to those with higher credit scores, saving you money over time.
Higher Credit Limits: A strong credit score can result in higher credit limits, providing more financial flexibility.
Easier Loan Approvals: Whether it’s a home loan, car loan, or personal loan, a good credit score increases your chances of approval.
Better Insurance Rates: Some insurers use credit scores to determine premiums. A higher score could mean lower insurance costs.

Bottom Line

Understanding and managing your credit score is vital for financial health and security. By staying informed and proactive, you can improve your credit score, unlock better financial opportunities, and pave the way for a more secure future. Regularly check your credit report, pay your bills on time, and manage your debt wisely to maintain a strong credit profile.

Navigating the labyrinth of corporate insurance requires a unique blend of precision, resilience, and expertise. Adesuwa Osaro, a seasoned Corporate Insurance Operations Associate, exemplifies these qualities. With a career rooted in an unexpected yet fortuitous entry into the insurance world, Adesuwa has carved out a niche for herself, demonstrating the power of adaptability and continuous learning. Her journey, marked by both challenges and triumphs, offers a rich tapestry of experiences and insights that are invaluable for anyone considering a career in this complex and dynamic field.

Qualifications and Career Path

Educational Background

Adesuwa Osaro holds a Diploma in Operation and an Advanced/B-Tech degree in Operations Management. These qualifications have provided her with a strong foundation in understanding complex operational processes, which are crucial in her current role as a Corporate Insurance Operations Associate.

Choosing the Career Path

Adesuwa chose her career path somewhat serendipitously. “I stumbled upon the insurance industry by applying for a position and getting accepted,” she explains. This chance opportunity revealed a meaningful and engaging career that she thoroughly enjoys. Her discovery of the insurance industry’s complexities and significance solidified her decision to stay and grow in this field.

Reflections on Career Choices

When asked if she would choose the same career path again, Adesuwa responds affirmatively. “If given the chance to start over, I would still choose the same career,” she states. The challenges and the opportunity to continually learn and grow make the field of insurance operations fulfilling for her. She values the depth and breadth of knowledge she has gained and the impact her work has on the industry.

Career Advice to Younger Self

To her younger self, Adesuwa would stress the importance of perseverance and continuous learning. She would emphasize not being afraid to step out of her comfort zone and take calculated risks, as growth often comes from challenging situations. Raising her hand to help others is an opportunity to learn, and seeking out learning opportunities is crucial for personal and professional development. Her message to her younger self highlights the importance of resilience and a proactive approach to career development.

Essential Skills

Adesuwa emphasizes the need for a combination of hard and soft skills in her field. “Strong analytical abilities and a thorough understanding of policy administration and compliance are critical hard skills,” she notes. Soft skills such as excellent communication, attention to detail, problem-solving abilities, and the ability to work collaboratively within cross-functional teams are equally important. These skills enable professionals to navigate the complexities of the insurance industry effectively.

Advice for Graduates

For graduates and those looking to enter the insurance field, Adesuwa offers practical advice. “Obtain a relevant degree in finance, business, or insurance,” she recommends. Additionally, pursuing industry certifications, such as those offered by the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII), can provide a competitive edge. Networking is also crucial; connecting with professionals through industry events and online platforms like LinkedIn can open doors to opportunities. “Apply, apply, apply,” she urges. Tailoring your CV to fit the job you are applying for can significantly enhance your chances of success.

Job Responsibilities and Industry Insights

Day-to-Day Activities

Adesuwa’s daily responsibilities are multifaceted. They include reviewing policy documents for accuracy, handling requests and issuing endorsements, managing credit control queries, preparing invoices and statements, responding to client inquiries, and assisting underwriters. She also identifies operational challenges and proposes solutions, assists with internal and external audits, and ensures compliance with industry standards. “My role involves a lot of detailed work and requires strong organizational skills,” she explains.

Industry Insights

An outsider might not realize the significant role that meticulous documentation and compliance play in the corporate insurance industry. “The industry relies heavily on precise and accurate data management to ensure that all parties are adequately covered,” Adesuwa points out. The collaborative efforts between underwriters, clients, and support teams are crucial for the smooth operation of insurance processes. Understanding these nuances can help professionals navigate the industry’s complexities.

Initial Surprises

When Adesuwa started her current role, she was surprised by the complexity and volume of documentation required. “The level of detail involved in policy issuance, endorsements, and compliance checks was much greater than I initially anticipated,” she recalls. This realization underscored the importance of attention to detail and thoroughness in her work.

Future of the Job with AI

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), many wonder about the future of traditional roles. Adesuwa believes her job will still be relevant in the next 10 years. “While AI will undoubtedly transform aspects of the insurance industry, human oversight, critical thinking, and customer relationship management are irreplaceable,” she asserts. The integration of AI will likely evolve roles, emphasizing more strategic and analytical tasks, but the human element will remain essential.

Challenges and Rewards


The most challenging aspect of Adesuwa’s job is managing intricate details and ensuring compliance across various systems and policies. “Balancing multiple tasks, such as handling endorsements, addressing credit control queries, and preparing invoices, requires a high level of attention to detail and organizational skills,” she explains. Despite these challenges, overcoming them is incredibly satisfying.


The most rewarding aspect of her job is the opportunity to contribute to the seamless operation of complex insurance processes. “Ensuring accuracy and compliance in policy documents and providing excellent customer service are particularly gratifying,” she shares. Knowing that her efforts help maintain the integrity and reliability of their services gives her a strong sense of accomplishment.

Career Setbacks and Advantages

Adesuwa initially saw her entry into the insurance industry as a setback due to her limited knowledge. “At first, I thought joining the insurance industry was a setback,” she admits. However, this perceived setback pushed her to learn extensively and develop a thorough understanding of the field. “I soon realized it is actually an advantage as it pushed me to learn extensively and develop an understanding of the industry, ultimately enhancing my skills and broadening my career prospects,” she reflects. This experience has made her appreciate the corporate space more than the manufacturing industry, which she initially considered.

Goals for the Year

One work-related goal Adesuwa is determined to accomplish this year is obtaining her RE5 certification. “Achieving this certification will enhance my understanding of the financial advisory and intermediary services landscape and also deepen my expertise,” she explains. This goal reflects her commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

Personal and Financial Reflections

Reaction of 10-Year-Old Self

Adesuwa’s 10-year-old self would be surprised by her current career. “My 10-year-old self would be shocked by what I do now,” she says. Her understanding of insurance at that age was limited to life and health insurance. The concept of property and casualty insurance, along with other lines of business like directors and officers insurance, was entirely foreign to her. Reflecting on her journey, she finds it incredible how much her knowledge and interests have expanded since childhood.

Life Without Financial Constraints

If money were no object, Adesuwa would still engage in meaningful work. “I would still engage in meaningful work, possibly in a capacity that allows me to give back to the community and support others in their professional growth,” she shares. This aspiration highlights her commitment to making a positive impact on others’ lives.

Financial Lessons for Kids

Adesuwa believes every kid should know the importance of budgeting, saving money, using credit responsibly, and understanding basic investment principles. “Understanding how to create and stick to a budget is essential for financial stability,” she advises. Additionally, the importance of saving money, even a small amount monthly, can lead to significant financial security over time. She also emphasizes the need for an emergency fund and the value of speaking to a financial advisor for guidance. “Basic knowledge of how investing works and the benefits of starting early can help build wealth over time,” she adds. These lessons can lead to significant financial security and wealth over time.


Adesuwa’s journey in the insurance industry is nothing short of inspiring. Her story highlights the power of unexpected opportunities and the importance of stepping out of one’s comfort zone to embrace new challenges. Adesuwa’s dedication to continuous learning and her ability to turn potential setbacks into advantages serve as valuable lessons for anyone looking to grow in their career. Her insights into the necessity of meticulous documentation, the impact of AI, and the balance of hard and soft skills provide a comprehensive view of the corporate insurance landscape. From her strategic advice to her younger self to her forward-thinking goals, Adesuwa exemplifies the essence of professional growth and resilience. Her journey reminds us that with perseverance and a willingness to learn, we can navigate even the most complex fields and find fulfillment in our careers.

In the bustling world of trade marketing communications, where creativity meets strategy and relationships drive success, few professionals navigate the landscape as effectively as Stella Uddin. With a robust educational background and a passion ignited from childhood, Stella has carved a niche for herself in a competitive industry. Her journey is a testament to the power of continuous learning, adaptability, and unwavering dedication.

Qualifications and Career Path

Educational Background

Stella Uddin’s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos, Nigeria. This foundational education equipped her with critical communication skills and an understanding of media dynamics. Recognizing the need for specialized knowledge in marketing communications, Stella pursued a Mini MBA in Marketing Communications at B School Africa, an institution renowned for fostering creative thinking and business acumen. Currently, she is advancing her expertise by enrolling in the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM UK) to obtain a Professional Certificate in Marketing. This commitment to continuous learning highlights Stella’s dedication to staying at the forefront of her field.

Stella’s passion for marketing and communication has been the cornerstone of her career choice. She finds immense satisfaction in the creativity and strategy involved in developing campaigns that influence and persuade. Her enthusiasm for crafting messages that resonate with audiences and drive action is a testament to her dedication. The dynamic nature of marketing, with its constant opportunities for innovation and learning, keeps her engaged and motivated. This intrinsic motivation has been crucial in navigating the complexities of her role.

Reflecting on Career Choices

Given the chance to start over, Stella is confident she would still pursue the same career. Her fascination with communications was sparked at a young age, watching the news with her father and envisioning herself as a newscaster. This early passion laid the foundation for her career aspirations. To her younger self, Stella would advise starting early to gain more experience and reach higher career stages sooner. This reflection underscores the importance of early career planning and proactive skill development.

Career Advice

Stella’s advice to aspiring trade marketing communications professionals emphasizes the importance of building a strong skill foundation and gaining practical experience. She advocates pursuing relevant degrees, staying informed about industry trends, gaining hands-on experience through internships, developing key hard and soft skills, and building a professional network. Creating a strong portfolio to showcase one’s work is also crucial. These steps can set the stage for a successful and fulfilling career in trade marketing communications.

Future of the Role (AI)

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), many professionals wonder about the future viability of their roles. Stella believes that while AI will continue to transform various industries, including marketing, the role of a trade marketer will remain essential. AI can enhance efficiency in tasks like data analysis, customer segmentation, and campaign optimization. However, trade marketing involves nuanced human interactions, strategic decision-making, and relationship-building that AI can not fully replace. Understanding market dynamics, interpreting consumer behavior, and creatively engaging with trade partners requires human intuition and empathy. Therefore, Stella is confident that her role will remain relevant and crucial in the next decade and beyond.

McKinsey Forward Program

Career Impact

Participating in the McKinsey Forward Program has had a profound impact on Stella’s career, particularly in enhancing her leadership and communication skills. The program’s intensive focus on strategic leadership and effective communication techniques has equipped her with invaluable tools. She has applied these skills directly in her professional journey, improving her ability to articulate ideas persuasively, lead teams, and navigate complex business challenges with confidence.

Key Learnings

Stella gained valuable insights into strategic thinking, decision-making, and global business trends from the McKinsey Forward Program. These skills have broadened her perspective and empowered her to make significant contributions in her field. The program has also enhanced her strategic thinking and decision-making capabilities, reinforcing her ability to adapt to changing market conditions and industry demands.

Advice for Prospective Participants

Stella advises those considering the McKinsey Forward Program not to miss this opportunity despite its demanding nature. The insights and learnings are invaluable and worth the effort, reinforcing the notion that nothing good comes easy. The program’s benefits far outweigh the challenges, making it a worthwhile investment for anyone looking to advance their career.

Job Responsibilities and Industry Insights

Day-to-Day Activities

As a Trade Marketing Communications Executive with a focus on sales, Stella’s daily activities are multifaceted and dynamic. She develops strategic promotional campaigns aimed at enhancing brand visibility and driving sales. Her role involves building and maintaining strong relationships with retailers and distributors, organizing trade shows and events, and leading a team of eight direct sales representatives. Stella’s responsibilities also include conducting market research to gather feedback from trade partners and customers, continuously refining strategies to seize market opportunities. This diverse role requires a blend of strategic thinking, leadership, and adaptability to ensure the company’s market presence is robust and growing.

Industry Insights

One aspect of the trade marketing industry that might surprise outsiders is the significant shift from desk jobs to dynamic fieldwork. Stella’s transition from a traditional office environment to hands-on fieldwork was an eye-opener. Engaging directly with trade partners and customers provided invaluable insights into market dynamics and customer behavior. This experience underscores the importance of flexibility and adaptability in trade marketing, where understanding and responding to real-time market feedback is crucial. The industry’s fast-paced nature demands a proactive approach to relationship-building and strategic adjustments.

Challenges and Rewards

Meeting sales targets consistently is one of the most challenging aspects of Stella’s job. The pressure to achieve sales quotas requires a deep understanding of the market, exceptional persuasion skills, and relentless perseverance. Navigating fluctuating market conditions, changing customer preferences, and competitive pressures while maintaining motivation and resilience is demanding. However, the rewards are significant. Seeing a well-crafted campaign come to life, driving sales, enhancing brand visibility, and strengthening relationships with trade partners is incredibly fulfilling. The collaborative nature of the role, involving diverse teams and stakeholders, provides continuous learning and professional growth opportunities.

Personal and Financial Reflections

Childhood Aspirations

Reflecting on her childhood, Stella believes her 10-year-old self would be proud of her achievements. Although she acknowledges she is not yet where she dreams of being, the journey so far has been rewarding and filled with valuable experiences. This reflection highlights the importance of perseverance and continuous growth in achieving one’s career goals.

Life Without Financial Constraints

If financial constraints were removed, Stella envisions a life split between luxurious vacations and meaningful humanitarian work. She dreams of working alongside the United Nations, contributing to global change. This blend of personal enjoyment and altruistic endeavors reflects her well-rounded aspirations and a deep-seated desire to make a positive impact on the world.

Financial Lessons for Kids

Stella emphasizes the importance of financial literacy from a young age. Key lessons she believes every child should learn include the value of saving diligently, understanding financial basics, and recognizing the complexities of adulthood. These lessons are crucial, especially for those from less privileged backgrounds, in preparing for a financially stable and secure future.


In conclusion, Stella Uddin’s journey in trade marketing communications is a testament to the power of passion, continuous learning, and perseverance in achieving career success. Her story underscores the importance of building a strong educational foundation, gaining practical experience, and embracing opportunities for professional growth, such as the McKinsey Forward Program. Stella’s insights into the challenges and rewards of her role provide a realistic portrayal of the dynamic nature of the industry. Her advice to aspiring professionals resonates with anyone navigating a career path in today’s competitive landscape, emphasizing the value of dedication and strategic development in achieving personal and professional fulfillment.

Reflecting on her journey, Eshiet believes her younger self would cheer her on for realizing their shared dream and purpose. Her advice to younger individuals emphasizes self-discovery, purpose, skill development, and the importance of sharing one’s gifts with the world.

In a world brimming with stories of career success and accomplishments, Mary Silolezya Simujayangombe’s narrative stands out not just for what she has achieved but for the profound journey that led her there. Behind the accolades and qualifications lies a captivating story of passion, purpose, and the relentless pursuit of impact.

Qualifications and Career Path

I hold a bachelor’s degree in science in pharmacy from Nanjing University in China, where I also studied in Mandarin, which has equipped me with fluency in the language. My educational journey continued with a Master’s in International Business from Monash University South Africa. This program covered diverse areas, including marketing, human resources, economics, corporate finance, and law, providing a broad perspective on global business practices. Additionally, I have a diploma in ministerial studies from Rhema Bible Training Center in Zambia, where I focused on leadership and ministerial ethics.

My career path wasn’t a straightforward choice from the beginning. Initially, I was on a different trajectory but discovered my passion for youth development and mentorship during my academic journey. Volunteering and participating in programs like Set Apart, Mandela Rhodes, and the Young African Leadership Initiative helped me realize my calling. This experience led me to align my professional career with my purpose, focusing on helping others discover their potential and career paths.

Career Advice to My Younger Self

To my younger self, I would advise: understand who you are, identify your strengths, and focus on them. It’s crucial to invest time in self-discovery and pursue areas where you excel. Knowing your capabilities and limitations helps in making informed career decisions and finding fulfillment in your work.

Job Responsibilities and Industry Insights

Day-to-Day Activities

My daily responsibilities involve engaging with stakeholders who provide learning activities, interacting with learners in various programs, and tracking our organization’s learning initiatives. I evaluate the effectiveness of these initiatives, assign learning tasks to employees, and track our talent investments and development. Additionally, I manage payments, curate learning content, and monitor overall performance and development.

Industry Insights and Surprises

An aspect of my industry that outsiders might not be aware of is the constant need to align talent management and performance strategies with both local contexts and overarching business strategies. This requires continuous learning and adaptation. When I started my current job, the most surprising aspect was the extensive time management required to balance various tasks and personal life, highlighting the importance of efficient time allocation.

Challenges and Rewards

Challenges in the Job

The most challenging part of my job is staying updated with business trends and insights in talent management and aligning them with our business strategies. This requires being well-informed, a critical thinker, and adaptable to strategic changes.

Rewards of the Job

The most rewarding aspect of my job is witnessing the personal and professional fulfillment of individuals, which in turn positively impacts the organization. Seeing developed and engaged employees contribute to the business’s success, and potential growth is highly gratifying.

Personal and Financial Reflections

Goals for the Year

A key work-related goal for this year is to enhance my skills in recruiting, managing, developing, and retaining talent. Achieving this will significantly improve our talent management processes and overall organizational efficiency.

Reflecting on Career Choices

If given the chance to start over, I would still choose the same career path. The fulfillment I get from helping others find joy and purpose in their work is unparalleled. Seeing the positive impact on individuals and the broader organization is immensely rewarding and aligns with my personal values.

Childhood Reactions and Financial Lessons

My 10-year-old self would be overjoyed with my current profession, as it aligns with my passions and purpose. If money were no object, I would still pursue my current career but with more freedom to volunteer and mentor without financial constraints.

Financial Advice for Kids

Financial lessons I believe every child should learn include the importance of saving and investing early. Understanding the value of money and making informed financial decisions can significantly impact their future. Encouraging kids to invest in their education and opportunities for growth is essential.

McKinsey Forward Program

Impact of the McKinsey Forward Program

Participating in the McKinsey Forward Program has profoundly impacted my career by enhancing my problem-solving skills and strategic thinking. The program’s focus on communication for impact and design thinking has equipped me with tools to address challenges effectively.

Advice for Prospective Participants

For those considering the McKinsey Forward Program, I highly recommend it. The insights and skills gained are invaluable for personal and professional growth. Embrace the challenges and opportunities the program offers to enhance your career trajectory


What makes Mary’s story so compelling is her authenticity and genuine desire to make a difference. Beyond the titles and degrees, she is a storyteller of human potential, weaving narratives of growth, resilience, and empowerment. Her insights on talent management, strategic thinking, and personal development resonate deeply in a world hungry for meaningful connections and impactful contributions.

In an era where career trajectories often seem predetermined, Mary’s journey serves as a reminder that the path to success is not always linear. It is about embracing change, embracing challenges, and staying true to one’s values and passions. Her story is a testament to the endless possibilities that await those brave enough to pursue their dreams.